Why does Cold Brew give you a stronger caffeine "hit" than regular coffee ?

Why does Cold Brew give you a stronger caffeine "hit" than regular coffee ?

Contrary to popular belief, cold brew coffee generally does not contain more caffeine than regular coffee. Shocker. In fact, cold brew coffee tends to have a lower caffeine content than hot brewed coffee due to the longer brewing time and the fact that cold water extracts caffeine more slowly than hot water.

However, many people report feeling a "stronger hit" of caffeine from cold brew coffee, and there are a few potential reasons for this.

First, cold brew coffee is often served dilute, meaning that it is mixed with water or milk to create a more refreshing beverage. As a result, people may be drinking more liquid when they consume cold brew coffee, which can lead to a greater overall caffeine intake.

Second, the smooth, balanced flavor of cold brew coffee may make it more enjoyable to drink in larger quantities, leading people to consume more caffeine overall. Without bragging, this effect may be intensified when drinking ColdBruh :).

See below for an example.

Finally, the longer brewing time of cold brew coffee may lead to the extraction of certain compounds from the coffee beans that are not present in hot brewed coffee. These compounds may interact with caffeine in a way that leads to a different type of caffeine "hit," even if the overall caffeine content is similar.

In summary, while cold brew coffee may not contain more caffeine than regular coffee, the way it is consumed and the unique compounds it contains may lead to a different caffeine experience for some people.

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